Slator has relaunched the Slator Language Industry Job Index (LIJI) from May 2020 using updated metrics to provide an even more meaningful picture of job market trends in the language industry.
Reader Poll: How has Covid-19 affected buyers’ localization budgets? And will remote simultaneous interpreting (RSI) continue gaining traction post-lockdown?
Slator's flagship 54-page 2020 Language Industry Market Report.
thebigword董事长Larry J Gould推出了Word-Pie合作伙伴项目。
Larry J Gould, Chairman of thebigword has launched Word-Pie, thebigword Group's partnership programme.
封锁时期的配音:虚拟配音工作室和业务连续性——ZOO Digital表示,云配音是一种创新的工作方式,保证了业务连续性,为世界各地的配音员、导演和内容创作者开辟了新的可能。
Dubbing in Lockdown: Virtual dubbing studios and business continuity - Cloud dubbing is an innovative way of working that provides business continuity and opens up new possibilities for actors, directors and content owners around the world.
SDI: 12 Tips for Voice Actors When Dubbing From Home (MESA) - Media & Entertainment Services Alliance
在本地化生态系统中集成MT工作流和工具有困难吗?Wordbee宣布支持更多即插即用的集成,如谷歌翻译、DeepL、微软翻译、Reverso、Globalese、Lingua Custodia和Tauyou。
Trouble to integrate MT workflows and tools into your localization ecosystem? With Wordbee you can include Out-of-the-box integrations such as Google Translate, DeepL, Microsoft Translator, Reverso, Globalese, Lingua Custodia and Tauyou.
